Thursday 12 November 2015

Review of Noir Film

Within in our noir film we tried to recreate the conventions of the noir genre, the noir genre was set between the 40s to the 50s. One of the attempts at this was the use of black and white filter within our film. This could of been improved by when editing the film using a sharper contrast. Another convention of the noir genre that we used was the use of a femme fatale this could of been improved on by the use of just one person and amplifying the dress and make up sense of a typical femme fatale. Another convention of the noir genre was the use of a depressing character who is also the hero, we followed this by using "Detective McKenzie Steele" to improve on this we could of added a greater back story to the detective. Another thing that we followed was the shots used, Noir films use a lot of low angles with very little lighting, another convention was the use of non-diegetic music, it was jazzy and had a sombre tone which amplified the depressing mood of the film. Overall the film we created as a homage and example to the noir genre was effective in its use of the typical conventions of noir but could be improved by the more detailed and specified use of the conventions and also if better care and diversity  was taken to the shots used within the film.

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