Saturday 29 August 2015

Inside Out

Inside Out created and produced by Disney Pixar is a film directed by Pete Docter that explores the emotions within a young girl called Riley. The film explores how five  personified emotions; Anger, Sadness, Joy, Fear and Joy help lead her through life. This was my favourite film of the summer as with any Disney Pixar film it had excellent graphics and a heart-string tugging story. It was interesting to see how the emotions and the conscious mind were created into something that was appealing for everyone of all ages to see. 

The film incorporates changes that everyone goes through and the stress that it can have on a persons emotions this was appealing to me as it makes you connect and empathise with Riley although she is animated. The voice actors also helped create this film into an enjoyable piece. With voices such as Amy Poehler, Phyllis Smith and Mindy Kaling whose voices are well known and recognisable which really brought the movie to life as their performances was lively and really added another level to the film. 

At the start of the film there was a short film called Lava which was directed by James Ford Murphy about a lonely volcano that sang a song for a lover who was under the sea and heard it but couldn't be seen and then it changes and she ends up being seen but unable to see him and the eventually end up joined together and singing as one. This made the film more enjoyable as it warmed the viewer up for the film whilst also telling a heart warming and captivating story. 

The advertising for Inside Out was clever as food chains such as Subway and McDonalds took part and I have to admit that I did get a happy meal just for the toy which was a little Anger toy. With short trailers being advertised on television and posters of the movie appearing around as shown above. This created a hype around the film which really boosted how much I wanted to go and see it. 

The film which was mainly a comedy was interspersed with heart-touching moments and also heart-wrenching moments really resonated with me as it really made me think about how my emotions work and how they are much more complex that what they seem to people and how when you do get older that they do change and fluctuate. I definitely would recommend this film to all of my friends and anyone who feels like having a laugh with also a few moments of sadness with this family film.  

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