Thursday 27 August 2015

Jurassic World

Bringing in a staggering $511.8m at the box office Jurassic World was a high hitter in the most popular films of 2015 category.  A film that includes a star cast such as Chris Pratt and Bryce Howard, action packed dinosaur fighting and mind blowing graphics its no wonder it became a hit at the box office. But how did the movie achieve such a positive reception? 

The star of Jurassic World, Chris Pratt who had recently starred in two box office hits such as Guardians of the Galaxy and The Lego Movie helped bring success to the movie with people wanting to see more and more of the charming actor who has won over the hearts of americans and the rest of the world many fans would go to watch the film purely because Pratt is the lead.

Advertising for Jurassic World began late 2014, not a lot of information about the movie was released, a short trailer was released but apart from including a brief explanation and view into the setting of Jurassic World not a lot of detail was shown, this paired with the late preview to the press which was shown two days before official release world wide left meaning that reviews were in limited number and critics were unable to give a negative review ruining the film for the audiences.  

Jurassic World’s pre-standing fanbase, due to the legacy of the Jurassic Park franchise meant that fans created a hype around the new updated version of a loved franchise. This paired with new technology and stunning graphics and an updated cast and story line ensured that the film was going to be a hit and the fans that loved Jurassic Park ate up the advertising that Jurassic World received and magnified it. 

Publicity both good and bad can make a film into a hit or turn it into a complete disaster. An example of this is the Titanic, which was planned to be a flop until a website published a positive review turning it into a critically acclaimed and an award winning film. The internet has turned into a massive online publicity area, with twitter sharing trends and letting the cast interact and advertise their movies with fans and people sharing their thoughts and feelings on the movies that they watch. 

Awards and nominations are another way that success can be measured and also impacted, a highly nominated or award winning film is more likely to be watched and invested in by the general public. It also helps bring the film to the attention of audience members who had earlier been uninterested in the film and its production. Overall films are measured on their success by the gross amount of income they create world wide within the first week of the initial debut. Jurassic World became such a huge box office success with its use of an all star cast and well loved lead, combined with a well prepared and created advertising plan and combining a family suitable film with enough suspense and intense graphics to keep the viewer on the edge of their seat. This was helped by the pre-existing franchise of Jurassic Park which helped create a foundation that supported this film.  

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